CBD oil for dog’s kidney disease

CBD Oil for Dogs with Kidney Disease: What Are the Benefits?

CBD oil for dog’s kidney disease

Photo by Magdalena Smolnicka on Unsplash

The kidneys are vital to a healthy, happy dog. In fact, they’re essential for life. But just like humans, dogs’ kidneys can get stressed, which can lead to an increased risk of kidney disease. As a result, kidney disease can be fairly prevalent in dogs. While CBD oil for dog’s kidney disease can’t offer a cure, it may provide some benefits to help your pet.

What Are the Kidneys?

Just like with humans, dogs have two kidneys that are located in the abdomen, just behind the lowest rib. The kidneys are part of the upper urinary tract and work to remove waste products from the body via urine. They also regulate essential minerals, including potassium and sodium, maintain hydration levels, and manage red blood cell production.

Kidney disease is the most common condition for dogs that are over eight years old. In many cases, though, there are ways to help manage the condition with a strict diet, support from your veterinarian, and perhaps the help of CBD oil for dog’s kidney disease.

Types of Kidney Disease

There are two main types of kidney problems: acute (sudden onset) kidney disease (AKD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). CKD is also called renal failure. In both cases, the kidneys are no longer able to perform their vital functions. This can lead to severe dehydration and prevent the removal of waste products, so they build up and become toxic. It can also lead to an imbalance of electrolytes like sodium and potassium.

CBD oil for dog’s kidney disease

Photo by Pedro Teixeira on Unsplash

Signs of Kidney Damage in Your Dog

Knowing the signs to watch for can help you get your dog to the vet to help diagnose and treat kidney issues quickly. With acute kidney failure caused by antifreeze toxicity or if your dog got into another type of poison, there’s only a small window to reverse the damage. Signs to watch for include:

  • Poor or no appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Decreased coordination or walking unsteadily
  • Disorientation
  • Increased or decreased drinking
  • Increased or decreased urination
  • Bloody diarrhea (or black feces)
  • Bad breath

As the kidneys continue to lose function, more serious symptoms will appear. These include:

  • Tenderness in the abdomen due to pain and inflammation
  • Anemia
  • Lethargy or lack of energy
  • Muscle weakness
  • Ulcerations (irritations) in the mouth and GI tract
  • Vomiting of a grainy-looking substance, which indicates digested blood
  • Blood pressure malfunctions
  • Sudden-onset Blindness
CBD oil for dog’s kidney disease

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev

Protecting Your Dog’s Kidneys

One of the best things you can do for your dog is to always provide access to clean drinking water. Hydration—along with a healthy diet—is vital for your dog’s kidneys. While dry kibble is popular due to its convenience, it’s also a good idea to add some wet food to your pet’s diet.

It’s also important to keep toxic plants, cleaning supplies (including natural ones), essential oils, human pharmaceuticals, marijuana, and foods that are toxic to your dog (like garlic and onions, grapes and raisins, chocolate, and yeast dough) away from pets. If you do find your pet got into something they shouldn’t have, it’s important to get them to the vet immediately.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney disease, aka renal disease, can result over time from a low-moisture diet and dehydration. Certain breeds, like cocker spaniels and bull terriers, are also more susceptible to kidney issues. Other health issues, such as high blood pressure and bad teeth, can also increase the risk of your dog developing kidney disease.

CBD Oil for Dog’s Kidney Disease: Can It Help?

CBD oil can neither treat nor prevent kidney disease in dogs. It may, however, help by supporting healthy levels of inflammation, decreasing pain, and helping your dog remain calm as you and your vet work together to address and manage their symptoms.

For instance, CBD oil can be directly applied to irritated gums and mucus membranes resulting from kidney disease to help ease the irritation. It may also help reduce nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite to encourage your dog to drink and eat. CBD oil may also help decrease elevated blood pressure due to increased stress. With the help of your vet, this can help you better manage your dog’s kidney disease.

Is CBD Safe for Dogs with Kidney Disease?

Since we know marijuana can negatively affect the health of your dog’s kidneys as they need to clear it from their systems, it’s only natural to wonder if CBD is safe. Fortunately, CBD made from full-spectrum, organic hemp doesn’t have the same effects or risks. Several studies—including three clinical trials sponsored by ABSC Organics—have found CBD to be well-tolerated by dogs.

CBD has also been found to positively affect the endocannabinoid system in dogs to potentially help:

  • Increase mobility and energy
  • Decrease pain and discomfort
  • Lessen stress levels for a calmer dog
  • Promote wound healing
  • Support healthy levels of inflammation
  • Stimulate appetite
  • Manage anxiety or agitation
  • And more.

CBD Oil for Dogs with Kidney Disease: Is It Right for Your Dog?

Keeping an eye on your dog and ensuring they’re well-hydrated and nourished and that they have no access to potential toxins can help prevent kidney disease. But if you do notice symptoms, it’s vital to get your dog to the vet as soon as possible to address the issue. With acute toxicity, immediate care is required.

There is no cure for kidney disease, but in many cases, it is possible to manage it and perhaps slow the progression with a strict diet, by addressing the underlying causes or conditions, and potentially supporting your dog’s health with CBD oil.

Ready to explore more CBD distillate uses for pets and how the best CBD for pets—ABSC Organics—can help your pet live a more vibrant, healthy life? Get started here.


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CBD oil for dog allergies

Is CBD Oil Good for Dogs with Allergies?

CBD oil for dog allergies

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Scratching, licking, rubbing against, or rolling around on rugs, furniture, grass, and trees are all ways your dog works to relieve an itch. If your dog does this occasionally, it’s totally normal. After all, we all get an itch that needs to be scratched from time to time. But if you notice your dog is frequently scratching, licking, chewing on, grooming, or rubbing parts of their body, it indicates they may have allergies that need to be addressed. Of course, the first step is to visit your vet to determine the cause. Once you know what the allergy is, CBD oil for dog allergies may be helpful. 

What Causes Dog Allergies?

As with humans, there are many different causes of allergies in our furry friends. For instance, they may be allergic to:

  • Fleas, which tend to attack the ears, belly, and lower back. It’s important to get fleas and the allergies they cause under control as they can lead to secondary infections and other potentially life-threatening diseases, such as tapeworms and anemia. Plus, it’s highly uncomfortable for your pup to have flea allergy dermatitis, which can lead to open sores from licking and biting their own flesh. Other pests that can cause allergic reactions include dust mites and other parasites. 
  • Food, including specific ingredients in some dog foods, which can lead to major issues like hives and itchiness to facial swelling, sneezing, and droopy eyes. Food allergies or intolerances to beef, dairy, eggs, or wheat, for example, can also lead to stomach upset or diarrhea or affect the coat, causing it to look dull. Foot and ear infections can also be connected to or made worse by food allergies.  
  • Environmental, as dogs tend to be closer to the ground, which can lead to itching, irritation, runny eyes, and sneezing. Like humans, dogs can be allergic to pollen from grasses, weeds, and trees (i.e., hay fever), as well as carpets or the chemicals used to clean floors. They can also react to dust, mold, and animal dander. Yes, dogs can even experience a reaction from their own fur and dander.

Hygiene issues can also lead to skin allergies. Excess dust, dirt, debris, saliva, etc., that build up on a dog’s skin can also increase the risk of unwanted, harmful germs. 

Dogs, like humans, can also suffer from their own genetics. That is, some dogs are just more likely to experience allergies, as it passes down from parents to offspring. If you have a breed of dog that’s more likely to have skin allergies (e.g., American Pit Bull Terriers, Bichon Frises, Boxers, Retrievers, Bull Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, etc.), it’s a good idea to keep an eye on their coat and help ensure they’re cleaned regularly to avoid inflammatory conditions.

Some dogs can also suffer from acute allergies, such as when stung by a bee, wasp, or hornet, bitten by a spider, or to certain medications or even vaccinations. While most dogs only experience temporary discomfort or swelling, others can have more severe reactions that can be life-threatening.

Photo by Isabel Vittrup-Pallier on Unsplash

Photo by Isabel Vittrup-Pallier on Unsplash

Allergy Symptoms

Allergy symptoms can vary from dog to dog and allergen to allergen. For instance, you will likely see one dog with no reaction, whereas another can show significant signs of discomfort. When your dog is exposed to an allergen, common symptoms to watch for include:

  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Droopy eyes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Itchy skin
  • Rashes or hives
  • Excessive licking or scratching
  • Persistent grooming
  • Biting or gnawing at the skin or fur
  • Sores or open wounds
  • Strange odor, especially from the ears, feet, or skin
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Swelling around the face, including the eyes, ears, and lips

One of the easiest ways to keep an eye on your pet’s allergies is to check their paws regularly. If you see your dog licking or gnawing on their feet, it’s often an indication of an allergy.

Treatment Options for Dog Allergies

The first step is to find out what your pet is allergic to. Dog allergy testing kits are available to help you figure out what’s causing the issue with your pup. Then help remove or minimize the offender. This isn’t always possible, though. For example, switching your dog’s food to eliminate an ingredient can be easy. But if they’re allergic to grass, it can be all but impossible to prevent contact.

In addition, to help your pet avoid allergic reactions, you can bathe them regularly, wipe off their paws after they’ve been outside, and carefully watch them when they’re exposed to new chemicals, foods, or environments. Make sure their bedding and areas where they spend a lot of time don’t develop an accumulation of grime, which can be breeding grounds for bugs, molds, germs, and other irritants.

Veterinarians typically suggest antibiotics, special medicated shampoos and conditioners, and skin creams to help address an acute infection. Other options include anti-itch shots like Cytopoin or immunotherapy to help your dog become less vulnerable to the allergen. 

Unfortunately, it can take a lot of trial and error to find what’s most effective for your dog. And you may never find a 100% fix. 

Plus, many medications come with side effects or are only temporarily effective. For instance, anti-itching shots can help reduce itching and inflammation, but they offer relief for just four to eight weeks before symptoms return. This can be helpful if the allergy is seasonal, but it can lead to a lot of vet visits for year-round causes. Plus, side effects can include diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and swelling and can lead to a severe reaction that necessitates immediate medical attention.

Immunotherapy, or allergy shots, can help increase your dog’s tolerance to specific allergens. It’s important to note that these shots only work for environmental causes, such as pollen, grasses, and molds. They won’t help with flea or food allergies. Between 60 and 80% of dogs typically respond well to these shots, especially when the dogs are younger.

Costs can vary widely depending on the size of your dog, your location, and the cost of vets in your area. Monthly treatment for four to six months is typically suggested.

Another common medication is Apoquel, which is an anti-itch tablet. However, it suppresses the immune system and can increase vulnerability to other infections. It’s also not for use in dogs less than one year old or those that already have an infection. 

Steroids like prednisone are anti-inflammatories that work really well for acute reactions. However, long-term use can interfere with gut health and lead to diarrhea and vomiting, increased weight gain, and more. 

Finally, there are over-the-counter options like Benadryl, which is generally considered safe for dogs but can lead to lethargy. 

Photo by Real Natures Food on Unsplash

CBD Oil for Dog Allergies

A lesser-known option to help relieve the discomfort from allergies is CBD oil. CBD oil, derived from non-mind-altering hemp, interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the body. This system helps regulate pain, hunger, mood, and memory. And when it’s affected by CBD, the system helps increase relaxation, reduce pain, lower stress and anxiety, support a healthy inflammatory response, promote more restful sleep, and stimulate healthy appetite without the harmful side effects of THC.

Because CBD may help rebalance the endocannabinoid system and support healthy levels of inflammation, it may help reduce discomfort from allergens. And because it helps reduce stress and helps calm the dog, it may help tame excessive scratching and grooming in response to allergens. CBD oil has even been found in research to help support skin health and a healthy immune response.

Will CBD Oil Help Dogs with Allergies Takeaway

Helping relieve your dog’s suffering due to allergies takes a well-rounded approach. This includes limiting exposure, improving hygiene, potentially using special shampoos and conditioners, and working with your vet on various solutions, especially for acute reactions. In addition, CBD oil may help calm the skin and your dog. Plus, it has fewer side effects than many drugs offered for dog allergies.

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CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer

CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer: Can It Help?

If you’re on this page, you likely know how scary it can be to get a cancer diagnosis for your pet. Cancer can kill. Sadly, it’s the leading cause of death in dogs that are ten years old and above. Admittedly, searching for advice and potential solutions can be overwhelming and stressful. First off, it’s most important to work with your veterinarian for your pet’s treatment. In addition, CBD oils for dogs with cancer could also have a place.

The first thing to understand, though, is that CBD oil alone isn’t a cure for cancer in dogs. There are no known natural cures for cancer. That doesn’t, however, mean CBD oil can’t help. There is evidence from research that CBD can support a cancer treatment plan for your dog to help improve their quality of life and potentially support treatment efficacy.

Treating Cancer in Dogs

Any serious disease like cancer, in dogs as well as humans, takes a multifaceted approach. There have been many recent medical advances in cancer treatment, and experts have found that cancer is treatable in many cases—especially when one cancer is found early and the proper treatment is provided. 

There can be numerous signs that your dog needs to visit a veterinarian to assess the possibility of cancer. Because early treatment can be so beneficial, some signs to watch for include: 

  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties both after exercise and at rest
  • Increased snoring
  • Raised bumps, open wounds, or other skin or just beneath the skin issues
  • Odd smelling breath or coat
  • Decreased appetite, including refusing favorite treats
  • Sleeping more often or for longer
  • Low energy levels
  • Disinterest in activities or surroundings
  • Elimination issues, such as not going or going at unusual times or places
  • Clear signs of pain or discomfort

Cancer treatments can involve nutrition, rest, movement, and most importantly, working with an experienced veterinarian or veterinary oncologist to design an appropriate treatment protocol for your dog and their condition. For instance, different types of cancer, such as bone, hemangiosarcoma (cancer of the blood vessels), lymphoma, mast cell tumors, melanoma (skin cancer), and mammary cancer, can require different types of treatments. 

Treatment protocols often include:

  • Surgery or amputation to remove the cancerous tumors
  • Chemotherapy and/or radiation to help shrink the tumors
  • Drugs and supplementation to help address side effects

CBD for Cancer in Dogs 

Again, there is no natural cure for cancer that we know of. But CBD may be part of a multifaced treatment approach as it may positively affect the endocannabinoid system to help:

  • Support the decrease of tumor size or reduction of cancer cells. There is human cell (in vitro), rather than dog, research showing this possible benefit on: 
  • Increase the efficacy of other therapy approaches shown to reduce tumor cells, which may allow you to lower the dosage and possibly decrease side effects.
  • Increase survivability of chemotherapy (as shown in laboratory mice) to promote a more positive outcome. 
  • Decrease cancer cell proliferation and increase autophagy (or breakdown) of cancer cells (shown in in vitro research). 

CBD Oil Cancer Treatment

While CBD oil cancer treatment isn’t a thing, there are other ways CBD may help support your pet from cancer symptoms and side effects, including:

The immune system and the endocannabinoid system are also closely linked, and CBD oil may help support a healthier immune system. For instance, CBD oil has been shown to fight free radicals to decrease oxidative stress

Other ways CBD for cancer in dogs may help include:

In addition, CBD has been shown to have a higher safety profile than many other drugs (including those available over the counter) with fewer and less serious side effects. That said, CBD can make dogs sleepy or lethargic if given too much. So, make sure you follow the usage instructions for your dog and their weight and work with your veterinarian if you have questions. 

Talk with Your Veterinarian About CBD Oil for Dogs with Cancer

Your veterinarian has experience with cancer treatments and multifaceted approaches to help improve recovery and make your dog more comfortable during this difficult time. If you are using CBD oil, make sure you discuss it with your vet. CBD oil may interact positively with the medications. But it could also interfere with medications and treatments. For instance, CBD may make drugs more potent, so your dog needs a smaller dosage. You may also want to space out CBD oil from other medications so they don’t interfere with each other’s actions. 

In other words, it’s very important that you’re in communication about everything you’re doing for your beloved pet, so you can work in coordination with all your vet is doing. 

Many vets are excited about the potential benefits of CBD. Others, however, can be more wary. If your veterinarian isn’t on the same page with you on treatment options, you may want to reach out to one with more experience with holistic treatments to consult. 

Again, CBD oil cannot cure cancer in dogs, humans, or other animals. No natural treatments have been shown to have this effect. However, there are additional solutions that may help with your dog’s recovery and to help them feel better during this challenging time. That includes quality nutrition, supplementation, and potentially research-backed CBD oil.


Ready to explore more CBD distillate uses for pets and how the best CBD for pets—ABSC Organics—can help your pet live a more vibrant, healthy life? Get started here


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How Much CBD Oil for Dog Aggression?

How Much CBD Oil for Dog Aggression

Do you have a dog that’s normally super loving yet can unexpectedly be triggered to show aggression? Or a bit of a grumpy beast that you still love even with some drawbacks? (Hey, nobody’s perfect.) You aren’t alone! And both your life and your dog’s can be improved as you learn how to calm an aggressive dog. Fortunately, CBD oil may help. Here’s how much CBD oil for dog aggression to use along with other tools to help with this challenging behavior.

What Causes Dog Aggression? 

It doesn’t matter if your dog shows aggression toward strangers, another family member, you, or another animal, it can be very scary. It can also lead to injury, which may be followed by legal action. Remember, no matter what causes the aggression, you are responsible for your dog’s behavior.

Although the behavior may appear “out of the blue,” there are typically just five main causes of aggression. And aggression may not be a behavioral issue at all. The most common reasons a dog may display aggression include:

  • Illness or injury, especially if it is causing pain, stress, and confusion. This can also result as a dog gets older and may experience decreased senses, such as seeing and hearing, as well as cognitive decline. Seizures in the frontal lobe of the brain can also lead to uncontrollable aggressive and threatening behavior sometimes referred to with the unfortunate label “rage syndrome in dogs.”
  • Fear, especially if the dog senses danger and feels like they cannot escape and need to defend themselves. A dog may also be more fearful if they weren’t properly socialized.
  • Protecting their territory or possessions, such as a bed, toy, food, or even their human, home, or yard. 
  • Frustration, such as when they feel couped up and restrained and unable to burn excess energy. 
  • Showing dominance, typically toward other dogs but which can also happen with people. While many people think this is the main cause of aggression, it’s actually the least common cause.

Finding out why your dog is growling, barking, or even biting or demonstrating other aggressive behaviors is the first step to help calm your dog, so they don’t act out. Fortunately, it is possible in many cases to greatly reduce or even eliminate this type of behavior. 

Signs of Aggression

It’s rare for dogs to bite or attack without first showing signs. Here are some to watch for in your own pet:

  • Standing very still or rigid
  • Making and holding direct eye contact
  • Flattening their ears against their head
  • Growling or barking aggressively
  • Snarling or curling lips to show their teeth
  • Lunching forward, even if they don’t make contact

If your dog is showing these types of signs, and especially if they snap, lightly bite, or bite hard enough to break or bruise the skin, it’s important to seek help to learn how to redirect your dog and help them interact more positively with the world around them. 

How Much CBD for Dog Aggression

Since pain and anxiety are two of the most common causes of aggression in dogs, CBD, combined with training and addressing the root causes, may be able to help calm an aggressive dog. 

Determining how much CBD for dog aggression has less to do with the reasons for the aggression (e.g., fear, anxiety, or pain) and more to do with the size of the dog. Start with around .1 mL for every 10 pounds your dog carries. Watch your pet closely to see if the CBD is helping them remain calmer, and adjust the dosage up or down if needed.

Too much CBD may lead to lethargy, upset stomach, or dry mouth (or increased thirst) in your dog. These side effects should not last more than 4 to 12 hours but do indicate that you need a smaller dose. If you don’t notice positive effects, such as greater calm or less destructive behavior in your dog, you may want to slightly increase the amount.

The use of CBD may help relieve anxiety that leads to aggression. This can also help minimize or prevent destructive behavior, such as chewing furniture, relieving themselves inside (rather than in the yard), or potentially hurting someone. Other benefits of CBD for dogs may include easing pain and inflammation, improving joint health, and promoting brain function

Again, simply giving your dog CBD and expecting all other issues to resolve likely isn’t going to be nearly as effective as working with a trainer to counter condition and desensitize your dog. You may also need to address underlying health conditions that are causing pain and confusion with the help of a vet. 

Your veterinarian may also prescribe medications, especially to address any health issues. If so, make sure they’re aware that you are giving your dog CBD oil to prevent any unwanted interactions. 

How Much CBD Oil for Dog Aggression Takeaway

Dealing with an aggressive dog isn’t easy, and it’s important to ensure you, your family, and others (including other dogs) are safe. 

Working with a trained professional is the first step to understand why your dog is showing aggression and how to improve their environment to help keep them calm. Trainers can also help with training and rehabilitation for a happier, calmer pet. 

CBD oil may help—especially for dogs who become aggressive when fearful, anxious, or in pain. The combination of training, improved environment, and CBD oil may lead to a more predictable, healthier, happier pet for a big improvement in your life and theirs.

Ready to explore more CBD distillate uses for pets and how the best CBD for pets—ABSC Organics—can help your pet live a more vibrant, healthy life? Get started here


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uses for CBD distillate

What Do Most People Use CBD for?

uses for CBD distillate

Photo by Martin Dalsgaard on Unsplash

Are you curious about the uses for CBD distillate? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, at least 33% of Americans have reportedly tried CBD at least once. As of 2022, 26% of American adults are currently using CBD, and 64% of Americans are familiar with the ingredient. 

To state it another way, according to Consumer Reports in 2019, 64 million Americans had used CBD sometime in the previous 24 months. And that number continues to grow. In the same report, Consumer Reports found 22% said CBD helped them lower the amount of prescription or over-the-counter drugs used. 1 

In comparison, in 2018, only 6% of Americans had used CBD. Now, more than a quarter of the U.S. population uses CBD, and 1 in 7 adults report using it daily. And within the next couple of years, CBD usage is expected to hit 35% of Americans.

What Is CBD Distillate? 

CBD distillate is made by extracting the CBD or cannabidiol oil from the cannabis plant. Many people raise their eyebrows when hearing the word “cannabis,” immediately thinking of marijuana or its psychoactive ingredient, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). While the two may be related, they are definitely not the same. And the two compounds have very different effects on the body.

Unlike THC, CBD comes from the industrial hemp plant and does not produce any psychoactive effects. This is because industrial hemp is nearly free of the psychoactive THC, containing less than 0.3% by law. That doesn’t mean CBD isn’t effective. One of over 100 cannabinoid chemicals found in cannabis, CBD is one of the most intriguing. In fact, this natural plant compound is sought after by millions to support them through various conditions.

What CBD Isn’t

There are a lot of misconceptions about CBD and what it is. For instance, 26% of Americans think CBD and marijuana are the same thing (they aren’t). Another 57% are afraid CBD will result in a positive drug test. This will not happen with any pure CBD distillates, which have 0% THC. 

Another 47% think that CBS is federally regulated as a drug. However, CBD is seen more like a supplement. So, while there is government oversight, the regulation differs from medications. 

Uses for CBD Distillate

The most common reason Americans use CBD is to help ease pain, with 64% reporting this as their primary reason. In second place comes anxiety and stress (49%), followed by 42% stating sleep and insomnia as their main reasons for using CBD distillate.

Other common reasons include:

  • Arthritis: 27%
  • Depression: 26%
  • Headaches (including migraines): 21%
  • Other mental health issues: 8%
  • Digestive health: 8%
  • Skincare: 6%
  • General health: 5%

Of course, we also know CBD may be helpful for pets as well, and 8% also list pet care as a primary reason. 

Women tend to use CBD for health reasons, including improved relaxation, stress and anxiety relief, and pain relief for muscles, joints, and headaches compared to men. Men are more likely to use CBD more socially and for spiritual use as well as to improve sleep.

In most cases, CBD users have found CBD to be effective for what they’re using it for. Nearly 62% of CBD users, for instance, say CBD helped with conditions like pain, anxiety, depression, or sleep issues. And, 36% of those people used CBD alone. On the other end, only 4.3% reported that CBD didn’t work very well for their condition. 2

Not everyone has jumped on the CBD bandwagon as of yet. For instance, 30% report they just haven’t found a product that appeals to them, another 25% aren’t familiar enough with CBD and its benefits, 16% have found CBD products don’t fit into their budgets, and 13% are concerned about side effects.

Younger folks—ages 18 to 29 years old—tend to be the most familiar with CBD and its benefits. Forty percent of this age group has tried CBD. In comparison, only 8% of people over 65 use CBD, though nearly half (49%) know what it is.

Results, of course, also vary from person to person. There are just so many variables when it comes to CBD distillates, such as:

  • Products
  • Hemp strains
  • How the product is used (e.g., tinctures, tablets, sprays, lotions and balms, bath bombs, foods, coffee, gummies, etc.)
  • Dosage
  • Weight
  • Condition
  • And more.
uses for CBD distillate

Photo by Юлія Вівчарик on Unsplash

State of CBD Appeal

While CBD is available throughout the U.S., not all states use equal amounts of it. The states that use the most are California, Florida, and New York. In addition, people in western states are more likely to use CBD at 21%, while eastern and midwestern states are less likely with only 11% usage. 

Yet even in states that use less, interest and popularity are growing due to the potential benefits of CBD. 

What Is CBD Distillate Good for?

There are many uses and claimed benefits of CBD distillate. But it isn’t a one-size-fits-all miracle compound. To find out how effective CBD may be, we need rigorous double-blind, controlled studies. Fortunately, more and more research is coming in, and CBD has been found in studies to potentially help decrease: 

  • Chronic neuropathic pain 3
  • Anxiety 4, 5
  • Pain and inflammation (in both animal and human studies and with and without THC) 6 – 14 
  • Insomnia and symptoms of PTSD like nightmares 15 – 17
  • Nausea and vomiting 18 
  • And even seizures in some cases 19, 20  

Other research found CBD may help promote:

  • A calm mental state 5
  • Quality sleep 5
  • Heart health by helping reduce resting blood pressure 21, 22 

Uses for CBD Distillate Takeaway

CBD usage and popularity have skyrocketed over the last several years, and its use is only continuing to grow. CBD distillate can be found not only as tinctures but in a variety of products from bath bombs and gummies to dog drops, salves, and treats. Fortunately, the science is ongoing to help us understand how and why CBD distillate can benefit human and pet health.

Ready to explore more CBD distillate uses for pets and how the best CBD for pets—ABSC Organics—can help your pet live a more vibrant, healthy life? Get started here


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  1. Gill LL. CBD goes mainstream [Internet]. Consumer Reports. 2019 [cited 2022Dec1]. Available from: https://www.consumerreports.org/cbd/cbd-goes-mainstream/
  2. Corroon J, Phillips JA. A cross-sectional study of cannabidiol users. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. 2018 Jul 1;3(1):152-61. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6043845/
  3. Hoggart B, Ratcliffe S, Ehler E, Simpson KH, Hovorka J, Lejčko J, Taylor L, Lauder H, Serpell M. A multicentre, open-label, follow-on study to assess the long-term maintenance of effect, tolerance and safety of THC/CBD oromucosal spray in the management of neuropathic pain. Journal of Neurology. 2015 Jan;262(1):27-40. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00415-014-7502-9
  4. Blessing EM, Steenkamp MM, Manzanares J, Marmar CR. Cannabidiol as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders. Neurotherapeutics. 2015 Oct;12(4):825-36. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4604171/
  5. Shannon S, Lewis N, Lee H, Hughes S. Cannabidiol in anxiety and sleep: a large case series. The Permanente Journal. 2019;23. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6326553/
  6. Hammell DC, Zhang LP, Ma F, Abshire SM, McIlwrath SL, Stinchcomb AL, Westlund KN. Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain‐related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis. European Journal of Pain. 2016 Jul;20(6):936-48. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4851925/
  7. Darkovska-Serafimovska M, Serafimovska T, Arsova-Sarafinovska Z, Stefanoski S, Keskovski Z, Balkanov T. Pharmacotherapeutic considerations for use of cannabinoids to relieve pain in patients with malignant diseases. Journal of Pain Research. 2018;11:837. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5922297/
  8. Eskander JP, Spall J, Spall A, Shah RV, Kaye AD. Cannabidiol (CBD) as a treatment of acute and chronic back pain: A case series and literature review. J Opioid Manag. 2020 May 1;16(3):215-8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32421842/
  9. Schilling JM, Hughes CG, Wallace MS, Sexton M, Backonja M, Moeller-Bertram T. Cannabidiol as a treatment for chronic pain: a survey of patients’ perspectives and attitudes. Journal of Pain Research. 2021;14:1241. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33981161/
  10. Russo M, Calabrò RS, Naro A, Sessa E, Rifici C, D’Aleo G, Leo A, De Luca R, Quartarone A, Bramanti P. Sativex in the management of multiple sclerosis-related spasticity: role of the corticospinal modulation. Neural Plasticity. 2015 Jan 29;2015. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25699191/
  11. Überall MA. A review of scientific evidence for THC: CBD oromucosal spray (nabiximols) in the management of chronic pain. Journal of Pain Research. 2020;13:399. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7027889/
  12. Boehnke KF, Gagnier JJ, Matallana L, Williams DA. Cannabidiol use for fibromyalgia: prevalence of use and perceptions of effectiveness in a large online survey. The Journal of Pain. 2021 May 1;22(5):556-66. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33400996/
  13. Fitzcharles MA, Clauw DJ, Hauser W. A cautious hope for cannabidiol (CBD) in rheumatology care. Arthritis Care & Research. 2020 Mar 7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32144889/
  14. Linares IM, Zuardi AW, Pereira LC, Queiroz RH, Mechoulam R, Guimarães FS, Crippa JA. Cannabidiol presents an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve in a simulated public speaking test. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. 2018 Oct 11;41:9-14. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30328956/
  15. Shannon S, Opila-Lehman J. Effectiveness of cannabidiol oil for pediatric anxiety and insomnia as part of posttraumatic stress disorder: a case report. The Permanente Journal. 2016;20(4). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5101100/
  16. Elms L, Shannon S, Hughes S, Lewis N. Cannabidiol in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder: a case series. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2019 Apr 1;25(4):392-7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30543451/
  17. García-Gutiérrez MS, Navarrete F, Gasparyan A, Austrich-Olivares A, Sala F, Manzanares J. Cannabidiol: a potential new alternative for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and psychotic disorders. Biomolecules. 2020 Nov 19;10(11):1575. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7699613/
  18. Johnson JR, Burnell-Nugent M, Lossignol D, Ganae-Motan ED, Potts R, Fallon MT. Multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of THC: CBD extract and THC extract in patients with intractable cancer-related pain. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2010 Feb 1;39(2):167-79. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19896326/
  19. Devinsky O, Marsh E, Friedman D, Thiele E, Laux L, Sullivan J, Miller I, Flamini R, Wilfong A, Filloux F, Wong M. Cannabidiol in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy: an open-label interventional trial. The Lancet Neurology. 2016 Mar 1;15(3):270-8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26724101/
  20. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA approves new indication for drug containing an active ingredient derived from cannabis to treat seizures in rare genetic disease. URL https://www.FDA.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-new-indication-drugcontaining-active-ingredient-derived-cannabis-treat-seizures-rare (accessed 3.15. 21). 2020 Mar 5.
  21. Jadoon KA, Tan GD, O’Sullivan SE. A single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in healthy volunteers in a randomized crossover study. JCI Insight. 2017 Jun 6;2(12). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5470879/
  22. Sultan SR, O’Sullivan SE, England TJ. The effects of acute and sustained cannabidiol dosing for seven days on the haemodynamics in healthy men: A randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2020 Jun;86(6):1125-38. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7256118/
CBD for Dog Pain Relief

CBD for Dog Pain Relief

What can you do when your dog is suffering from intense pain? Of course, a visit to your vet is the first step. But depending on the condition, even with proper care, pain can be so debilitating it’s difficult for your dog to drink, eat, or squat to use the bathroom. Prescribed medications can help, but they don’t always take away all of the pain, which is why many pet owners look for alternatives like CBD for dog pain relief.

Because CBD isn’t “prescribed” by veterinarians, many people look to other pet owners for information and inspiration on how to use CBD for dog pain relief. It is important, however, to remember that all pets are different. And it’s also crucial to keep your vet informed about the supplements, including CBD, you are giving to your dog, especially if they are also using medications. This is because CBD may affect how a substance is metabolized by the body, which could reduce how effective the medication is. 

CBD for Dog Pain Relief

Photo by Atanas Teodosiev on Unsplash

What Is CBD?

CBD is one of the most well-known and well-studied cannabinoids. The other is THC. These compounds have been found to mimic natural chemicals found in all mammals called endocannabinoids, so there are receptors found in every system in the body. Endocannabinoids are used by the body to regulate signals and help stabilize the body to maintain homeostasis. Because cannabinoids affect the same receptors, they may also affect these systems.

Cannabinoids are found in various foods, but the most common source is the cannabis plant. Some of these plants produce high levels of the THC compound, which causes users to feel high or stoned. Others, however, have very low levels of THC (less than .3%) and are typically referred to as industrial hemp. These plants can be grown to create higher levels of CBD, which avoids the “high” and instead may increase relaxation and pain relief. 

How Effective Is CBD for Dog Pain Relief?

CBD research is only in its infancy, but the results so far have been very promising when it comes to CBD for dog pain relief, especially arthritic pain. For instance, one study from Cornell University found that 2 mg/kg of CBD given twice per day helped increase comfort in dogs with pain from osteoarthritis. 1 According to the lead investigator, some dogs’ conditions were so bad that their owners had considered euthanasia. Within days of supplementing with CBD, some dogs were found to be significantly more mobile and even able to climb stairs. 2

CBD may be helpful for dogs by:

  • Managing pain
  • Supporting healthy levels of inflammation
  • Reducing the use of other pain medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs)—remember to work with your vet if your dog is on any medications
  • Promoting greater mobility

Many pet parents are more concerned with the safety of CBD for their dogs. Fortunately, a study done at Colorado State University found that CBD was well tolerated at dosages of 10 to 20 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks. 3 Minimal side effects were found, including mild diarrhea.

CBD appears to help relieve pain by reducing inflammation as well as affecting the opioid receptor response and the central nervous system. 3 And human studies as well as pre-clinical studies suggest CBD may help reduce other types of pain and the anxiety and stress that pain can cause. 

Photo by Luis Negron

How Soon Will Your Dog Find Relief?

Again, the research is still new, and all dogs are different. Depending on the condition, how well your dog metabolizes CBD, and how much you give them makes a big difference on how soon you’ll see results. 

In general, however, many pet parents have found that pain and mobility start to improve within two to four weeks. You may, however, have to adjust how much CBD you give your dog, starting with the lowest dose and slowly increasing as you find the sweet spot for your pet.

CBD Oil for Pain in Dogs Takeaway

CBD is showing so much promise in many aspects of the body. While the endocannabinoid system is one of the largest systems in the body, it’s also one of the latest to be discovered and, thus, the least explored. So keep checking back here with this blog as new research and uses emerge to help our furry friends. 

Ready to see how the best CBD for pets—ABSC Organics—can help your pet live a more vibrant, healthy life? Get started here

Related Information: 


  1. Gamble LJ, Boesch JM, Frye CW, Schwark WS, Mann S, Wolfe L, Brown H, Berthelsen ES, Wakshlag JJ. Pharmacokinetics, safety, and clinical efficacy of cannabidiol treatment in osteoarthritic dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2018:165. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fvets.2018.00165/full
  2. Morrow L, Belshaw Z. Does the addition of cannabidiol alongside current drug treatments reduce pain in dogs with osteoarthritis? The Veterinary Record. 2020 May 2;186(15):493. https://www.proquest.com/openview/2c104cf1e29cb68615b962606a33adc2/1
  3. Richter G. The Current State of Cannabis Research in Veterinary Medicine. https://todaysveterinarypractice.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/03/TVP-2020-0102_News.pdf
endocannabinoid system and CBD

The Endocannabinoid System Explained

Most of us learned about various systems in the body back in high school biology. You may remember (at least vaguely) learning about body structure, the circulatory, respiratory, musculoskeletal, digestive, nervous, reproductive, and immune systems. But there was likely one entire system left out: the endocannabinoid system. And that’s left many people wondering what the endocannabinoid system is and CBD’s effects on it. 

So, what is the endocannabinoid system, and why didn’t we learn about it in school? 

While the endocannabinoid system has evolved in mammals for over 500 million years, it wasn’t discovered until the early 1990s by researchers who were studying cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. Since that discovery, researchers have found that cannabinoids affect sleep, mood, appetite, memory, reproduction, and more. 

And the endocannabinoid system is active even for those who don’t use cannabinoids like CBD, THC, or others found in the cannabis plant. Interestingly, cannabinoids can be found in other plants such as licorice, echinacea, cacao, and black pepper. The body also produces endocannabinoids or endogenous cannabinoids.

endocannabinoid system and CBD

Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

How Do the Endocannabinoid  System and CBD Work Together?There are three core components of the endocannabinoid system: the cannabinoid compounds, receptors, and enzymes. And two main types of endocannabinoids—anandamide (AEA) and  2-arachidonoylglyerol (2-AG)—are produced by the body as needed to run smoothly or keep the body in homeostasis. 

Homeostasis is any process the body uses to maintain a constant environment internally even in the face of external factors. It’s the process that allows the body to function normally when it comes to:

  • Body temperature
  • Respiration
  • Heart rate
  • Blood pressure
  • Fluid levels
  • Blood glucose levels
  • And sleep

Throughout the body are receptors (or cell proteins) the endocannabinoids can bind to. Two main receptors are CB1, which is primarily found in the central nervous system, and CB2, which is found in the peripheral nervous system, including immune cells. CB1 receptors, for example, are highly concentrated in the brain, lungs, vascular system, muscles, reproductive organs, and digestive system. CB2, on the other hand, is found more commonly in the bones, skin, spleen, and glial cells (found in the brain).

Where the receptor is located and which cannabinoid (endo or from plant cannabinoid) it binds to determines how it affects the body. For instance, some endocannabinoids help relieve pain or decrease inflammation. Others may support immune cells. And others may affect mood or cognitive functioning. 

The third core component of the endocannabinoid system is the enzymes that are needed to break down endocannabinoids, including the fatty acid amide hydrolase and monoacylglycerol acid lipase. 

Why Is the Endocannabinoid System Important?

Research is still early, and experts are still learning about the important functions of the endocannabinoid system. So far, they’ve discovered the system is linked to:

  • Digestion, appetite, and metabolism
  • Pain and inflammation
  • Immune response
  • Mood, memory, learning, and stress response
  • Motor control
  • Sleep
  • Muscle and bone strength and growth as well as motor control
  • Cardiovascular and reproductive system function
  • Skin, nerve, and liver function

The common element that affects all the above functions is how they contribute to homeostasis or the stability of your whole body. This, researchers contend, is the main role of the endocannabinoid system.

endocannabinoid system and CBD

Photo by Esther kowanda

The Endocannabinoid System and CBD

There are two main (and dozens of other) cannabinoids found in cannabis plants: THC or tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD or cannabidiol. 

THC is the phyto or plant cannabinoid that’s most well-known for its psychoactive effects or its ability to get you stoned or “high.” It’s also been shown to help reduce pain and stimulate appetite. Negative effects include causing anxiety and even paranoia in some people or when too much is consumed. 

In contrast, CBD doesn’t make you high and may even help counteract the high when people get too much THC. It also doesn’t come with the negative effects of THC like increased anxiety. 

Research is still needed to understand how CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system. It doesn’t appear to bind to the CB1 or CB2 receptors in the same way THC does. Rather, it’s believed to potentially prevent the natural endocannabinoids in the body from breaking down, so they can have more beneficial effects on the body. Or, there are other receptors in the body that CBD binds to that have not yet been discovered.

Even though the mechanism hasn’t been clarified, CBD has been found to help relieve pain, nausea, stress, anxiety, and other issues.

CBD for the Endocannabinoid System in Animals

The endocannabinoid system isn’t only found in humans. In fact, it’s pervasive in all mammals as well as invertebrate species. Because of the system’s importance in homeostasis, we’re now seeing research on our canine companions as well. 

For instance, researchers are finding CBD’s effects on the endocannabinoid system may help target:

  • Pain management
  • Neurologic disorders
  • Stress and anxiety
  • And inflammation

Because the endocannabinoid system is universal to all animals (except insects), CBS provides similar benefits. As well, the CB1 receptors are very similar among all mammals. That said, there do seem to be differences in the CB2 receptors in humans vs. dogs, so the signaling pathways may differ. 

This may explain why THC toxicity is higher in dogs than in humans, for instance. Fortunately, the safety profile for CBD given to dogs in moderate amounts is good. Research from a Colorado State University study from 2018 demonstrates it is safe for dogs.

Specific benefits of CBD for the endocannabinoid system in dogs may include:

  • Promoting greater mobility and activity levels
  • Decreased discomfort due to age or injury
  • Help protect neurons
  • Help lessen stress levels to keep your pet calm 
  • Support healthy skin and ease conditions that lead to hair loss and rashes
  • Promote wound healing
  • And promote better focus and attention. 

The Endocannabinoid System and CBD Takeaway

This is an exciting time as we continue to learn more about the endocannabinoid system and CBD. We don’t yet have a full picture as more research is needed. That said, the research results and anecdotal reports are very promising for both humans and their furry friends. 

Ready to explore more CBD distillate uses for pets and how the best CBD for pets—ABSC Organics—can help your pet live a more vibrant, healthy life? Get started here

Related Information: 



Silver RJ. The endocannabinoid system of animals. Animals. 2019 Sep 16;9(9):686. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6770351/

Martin BR, Dewey WL, Harris LS, Beckner JS. 3H-delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol tissue and subcellular distribution in the central nervous system and tissue distribution in peripheral organs of tolerant and nontolerant dogs. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 1976 Jan 1;196(1):128-44. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1246007/

McGrath S, Bartner LR, Rao S, Kogan LR, Hellyer PW. A report of adverse effects associated with the administration of cannabidiol in healthy dogs. Vet Med. 2018;1:6-8. https://www.ahvma.org/wp-content/uploads/AHVMA-2018-V52-CannabisAdverseEffects.pdf

Taylor L, Gidal B, Blakey G, Tayo B, Morrison G. A phase I, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single ascending dose, multiple dose, and food effect trial of the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of highly purified cannabidiol in healthy subjects. CNS Drugs. 2018 Nov;32(11):1053-67. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40263-018-0578-5

Lucas CJ, Galettis P, Schneider J. The pharmacokinetics and the pharmacodynamics of cannabinoids. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2018 Nov;84(11):2477-82. https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bcp.13710

Millar SA, Stone NL, Yates AS, O’Sullivan SE. A systematic review on the pharmacokinetics of cannabidiol in humans. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2018 Nov 26;9:1365. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2018.01365/full

CBD for Dogs with Seizures

CBD Oil for Dogs with Seizures


CBD for Dogs with Seizures


There’s little that scares a pet parent more than watching their beloved pup tremble and shake from a seizure. You feel helpless and wonder if there’s anything you can do to help. You see the fear and discomfort in your pet’s eyes but can’t explain what’s happening to them. Is it possible to eliminate seizures or at least make them less frequent and less intense? Because so many of the treatments come with side effects or provide little help, CBD oil for dogs with seizures is being examined by researchers, veterinarians, and pet parents alike. 





Recognizing Dog Seizures

Depending on the dog, a seizure can range from minor twitching to uncontrollable shaking. It can last mere seconds or go on for several minutes. And the cause can vary. For instance, dog seizures can be caused by: 

  • Physical trauma, such as a head injury
  • Toxic exposure, including to topical flea and tick products as well as other herbicides and pesticides
  • Brain tumors
  • Epilepsy, or uncontrolled bursts of electricity in the brain, which affects 2 to 5% of all dogs
  • Health conditions, such as liver or kidney disease or cancer
  • Genetic abnormalities
  • Blood or organ issues
  • Idiopathic (i.e., unknown) reasons
  • Vaccine reactions
  • Electrolyte problems
  • And more. 

There are three main types of seizures, including:

  • Focal (i.e., partial) seizures, which affect just a small area of the brain and may only affect part of the body, such as one limb, one side of the body, or the face. Unfortunately, if these seizures continue, they’ll likely progress and become grand mal seizures later in life. 
  • Generalized (grand mal) seizures, which affect both sides of the brain and thus the entire body. They typically look like the dog is involuntarily jerking or twitching and can cause the dog to lose consciousness.
  • And focal seizures, which are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain and typically only affect one area. While they typically resolve on their own, they can also progress in some instances.

If a dog is about to seize, they may appear worried, stressed, confused, or frightened. Once seizing starts, they may fall over onto their side, get stiff, and chomp or bite at nothing, salivate, bark (or growl), or twitch their limbs. They may even lose control and urinate or defecate. Most dog seizures occur at night or early morning, while the dog is resting. And though they typically only last up to 30 to 90 seconds, they can be followed by:

  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Aimlessly wandering or pacing
  • Compulsive behavior
  • Blindness
  • Increased thirst or appetite

These behaviors can last up to 24 hours before they resolve. Unfortunately, the older the dog and the more frequent the seizures, the more likely it is to lead to damage of the brain neurons and the more likely the dog is to continue seizing.

It’s important to monitor the dog to ensure they’re not likely to get injured or killed during a seizure. For example, avoid taking the dog to swim to avoid accidentally drowning. The one positive is that while seizures can look scary and even violent, your dog is likely not experiencing any pain. Still, it can be confusing and scary for you and your pet.

Treatments for Dogs Seizures

The treatment for dog seizures varies depending on the cause. Drugs like corticosteroids, anti-epileptic, and anti-convulsant medications are commonly given to help reduce the frequency. 

It’s important to speak with your veterinarian about the possible side effects and how to best support your dog, including blood and serum chemistry profiles. Also, many pharmaceutical options can lead to weight gain, so weight should be monitored, and you may need to put the dog on a special low calorie, low salt diet. 

Despite the complications and concerns for dogs with seizures, there is currently no cure. However, there are natural solutions that may help you better manage the condition. One that is gaining attention is CBD.

CBD for Dogs with Seizures

Because of the way CBD is structured, the compound affects the brain, spinal column, nervous system, and the endocannabinoid system throughout the body. And both researchers and pet owners are now talking about how effective CBD oil may be for helping manage dogs with seizures.

It appears that the CB1 Receptors found in the nervous system respond to CBD oil. Some research suggests it can reduce or even stop seizures from happening. For example, one study found dogs given CBD oil experienced a reduction in the frequency of seizures with no reported behavioral side effects. 1 While it is theorized that CBD works to calm neurons to help suppress the effects of the seizure, further studies are underway.

CBD for Dogs with Seizures
Photo by Ruby Schmank on Unsplash

CBD Oil for Dog Seizures Dose

CBD dosage depends on the size of the dog as well as how acute the symptoms are. Smaller dogs need less, and larger dogs will require more to see effects. Dogs that regularly experience seizures or have more active seizures may also require a larger acute dose. How CBD is consumed can also affect the dosage and frequency. For example, CBD oils have the highest bioavailability. Treats can be easier to give to dogs, but they can also act more slowly. For more information on how much CBD oil to give a dog, visit this page

Where to Buy CBD Oil for Dogs with Seizures

The best CBD for pets meets a variety of criteria. For example, they are:

  • Free from artificial sweeteners, flavors, and additives
  • Made specifically for dogs
  • Made only from certified hemp CBD 
  • Non-GMO
  • Grown without pesticides or herbicides
  • Provide the correct dosage for their size and condition
  • Appealing to your pet, such as naturally flavored with salmon, chicken, or bacon
  • Third-party tested
  • Reviewed by real customers
  • Transparent (including who’s behind the company)

Ready to see how the best CBD for dogs with seizures—ABSC Organics—can help your pet live a more vibrant, comfortable, healthy life? Get started here

Related Information: 

References: 1. McGrath S, Bartner LR, Rao S, Packer RA, Gustafson DL. Randomized blinded controlled clinical trial to assess the effect of oral cannabidiol administration in addition to conventional antiepileptic treatment on seizure frequency in dogs with intractable idiopathic epilepsy. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 2019 Jun 1;254(11):1301-8. https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/254/11/javma.254.11.1301.xml